On this page, we offer you recordings of Turka praise songs recorded during a song writing workshop in Douna in 2015.

127 John 8.31-38 | 128 2 Timothy 3.16-17 | 129 2 Peter 1.19-21 | 130 Hebrews 12.7-10 | 131 Hebrews 10:19-25 | 132 Hebrews 4.14-16 | 133 John 14.1-7 | 134 Hebrews 1.1-3 | 135 I was wandering around looking for hope | 136 If you sow, it is with a hope to have a harvest | 137 Sowing and Reaping | 138 Hope Found | 139 Serve God with your whole heart | 140 Continue in your faith struggle | 141 Come worship God | 142 Hebrews 12.1-3 | 143 We were wondering | 144 if you come to Jesus you will be saved | 145 John 7.37-39 | 146 Kady Souratie